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2 小時



Mon - Thu 19:00 - 21:00


每星期一堂, 一期共四堂


Surface Decorations 繪製及圖紋處理

L1  泥板製作 Greenwares Tiles preparation

L2  釉下彩移印 Underglaze transfer

L3  素坯件裝飾 1 Bisque piece decoration - Glazing

L4  素坯件裝飾 2 Bisque piece decoration - Wax resist


Pottery 陶器

L1   圓筒形拉坯練習 Throwing Cylinder

L2  量度及製作一對圓筒形坯件 Throwing two identical cylinders

L3  修坯腳練習 Trimming the bottom

L4  杯蓋量度及製作 Measurement and lid making


Sculpture & Modeling 雕塑及造型

L1   現成物模仿練習 Sculpting ready-made object

L2  黏貼及組合練習 Exercises of attaching pieces

L3   幾何圖形練習 1 Playing with shapes

L4   幾何圖形練習 2 Combination of shapes


Moulding & Casting 模具

L1   單邊模製作簡單形狀 Moulding pieces with simple one-side mould

L2  了解二分模原理 Understanding of two-sided moulds

L3  製作單邊模具 Making the one-side mould

L4  使用單邊模重複製作陶件 Duplicating pieces by using a one-side mould



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